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Implementing a facial recognition pipeline with Python, OpenCV, and Keras to find a target face inside of a given image


The Aviation Weather REST API. A public, web-based METAR and TAF parser for use with web, mobile, and IoT applications

Visualizing Orbits

Interactive graphic to explore how initial conditions help determine a satellite's orbit around Earth

OPD Visualization

Graphical and geospacial visualizations of Orlando Police Department records from April 2009 to August 2015 using D3 and Dimple.


Exploratory data analysis of Orlando Police Department records from April 2009 to August 2015 using R. Project 4 of Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree program

Networked iBeacons

Linux-based iBeacon whose values can be updated remotely by a CSV file on another machine. Written in Python, and prototyped simultaneously on a Raspberry Pi and Intel Edison running BlueZ. YouTube demo


View Lynx bus (Orlando) arrival times for your most frequent stops on your Pebble

DSN Now Pebble

The current state of the Deep Space Network on your Pebble. Reverse engineered from the official Java web app

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Putting TAF reports in your Pebble timeline. Ties into the AVWX REST API. GitHub

iBeacon Gateway

Credentialed entry system using iBeacons from a person's phone and gateway device (Pi, Edison) connected to Azure

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METAR Watchface

At-a-glance aviation weather on your wrist. A port of METAR-RasPi for the Pebble in C and JavaScript (GitHub). Also with minimal interface


Interpret and display aviation METAR reports on a Raspberry Pi and LCD char display or PiTFT touch screen

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DMX Moving LEDs

A 3D-printed, moving, 64-RGB LED pannel light controlled via DMX. Includes STL/Blender CAD files

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Perryville Database

The first web interface to search the Perryville Battlefield database. Created by the database class at Centre College (article)

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EV3 Remote

Controller-robot system for the Lego Mindstorms EV3 running Lejos (Documentation)

File Locket

A simple file storage program because I wanted to learn how it worked


A custom programming language to organize photos using EXIF data - built on Python